
Tagged: Amateur Radio

Photo showing members of Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society enjoying a talk on APRS

Last Weeks Talk on APRS

Last week we had an excellent talk “An Introduction to APRS”. We were shown a simple option to start using a Smartphone then moving up to options using a TNC or Soundcard and Radio....

Parks on the Air Logo

Parks on the Air POTA presentation

Parks on the Air (POTA) presentation by (Paul – M0PJA) was very well presented and very informative. From beginner to competent POTA operator with many tips on equipment, locations and awards. Paul outlined how...

view of meeting

We had a great evening Friday 12 Jan 2024

What a great meeting we had on Friday 12th Jan 2024 at Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society. Thanks to Scott 2E0KBZ for giving us a talk on Pi-Star and All-Star Gateways, from my...