We had a great evening Friday 12 Jan 2024
What a great meeting we had on Friday 12th Jan 2024 at Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society.
Thanks to Scott 2E0KBZ for giving us a talk on Pi-Star and All-Star Gateways, from my point of view, I have never used any of these, I do run a private Pi-star hotspot at home, which I normally use to access a DMR Talk group. It was good to learn about these and how to use and access them.
Also, Ernest G4LUE came along to visit us and put on a small shop for us, which was very useful and we are very grateful for his support in doing this.
We had some new members and visitors as well, which is always excellent to see. Looking forward to next week when we have a talk on Parks on the Air. If you are interested then why not come along and visit us?