Exploring the Quansheng UV-K5(8)
Exploring the Quansheng UV-K5(8) (Please Note, this is experimental firmware, if you follow the information below, you do so at your own risk. We don’t accept any liability for any damage caused). “Exploring the...
Exploring the Quansheng UV-K5(8) (Please Note, this is experimental firmware, if you follow the information below, you do so at your own risk. We don’t accept any liability for any damage caused). “Exploring the...
Voluntary Interceptors finally receive official recognition for their contribution to World War 2 It was good to see in January’s (2024) edition of Radcom an item about the voluntary interceptors Finally receiving official recognition...
Members of the Maltby & District Amateur Radio Society operate a Radio Station at historic Bletchley Park. Bletchley Park is primarily known for being home to the WW2 Secret CodeBreakers and is well worth...
Today Ofcom issued the following statement. Statement: Updating the amateur radio licensing framework In this Ofcom document sets out our decision to update the amateur radio licensing framework to ensure the policies and licences...
In a live linkup between Maltby & District Amateur Radio Society and RT Systems, members took part in an interactive experience and learned about RT Systems software, and how their support differs from other...
Why not come along this Friday 1st Dec 2023 We have a live linkup and talk from the Radio Society RT Systems Inc is not only a technological powerhouse but a trailblazer in the...
What a fantastic night, at Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society, Pie & Peas with our Bring & Buy sale. With members bringing radio items to sell and Ernie G4LUE, supporting us with a...
Peter G4ENC operating on the 40m Band with the ft-101ZD and the Radio Societies tuner which was repaired by us after being donated to us by Lamco Barnsley as a small project. Peter was...
A Great day out at the former RAF Holmpton Bunker today. On the 1st of October, the Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society, we had a trip out to Holmpton Bunker, for its members....
At a recent meeting of the Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society, one of our members wanted some advice on which HF Transceivers to purchase, So to help out we held an HF Rigs...